
Sep 04 2024

Fighting COPD in Nepal

NHAFN’s Mission to Save Lives and Build Healthier Communities

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a silent but deadly threat affecting
thousands of lives across Nepal, particularly in rural areas where healthcare access is limited.
At NHAFN, we are driven by a mission to reduce the burden of COPD through targeted
interventions, community education, and patient support. Our work is guided by the belief that
every individual deserves the chance to breathe freely and live a healthy life.

Understanding the COPD Challenge in Nepal

COPD is a progressive lung disease that restricts airflow and makes breathing increasingly
difficult. In Nepal, its prevalence is alarmingly high due to several key factors:

  • Indoor Air Pollution: The widespread use of biomass fuels, such as wood and dung, for
    cooking in poorly ventilated homes leads to prolonged exposure to harmful smoke. This is a
    leading cause of COPD, particularly among women and children.
  • Tobacco Use: Smoking remains prevalent in both urban and rural areas, contributing
    significantly to the incidence of COPD.
  • Environmental and Occupational Risks: Many people in Nepal are exposed to dust and
    pollutants in their daily environments, whether through agricultural work, construction, or urban
    pollution, increasing their risk of developing COPD.
  • Resource Constraints: Nepal’s healthcare system struggles with shortages of trained
    professionals, medical infrastructure, and diagnostic tools.
  • Financial Barriers: The cost of COPD treatment can be prohibitive, particularly for those living
    in poverty.

NHAFN’s Comprehensive Approach to Tackling COPD

At NHAFN, our approach to combating COPD is holistic, addressing both prevention and care
through community engagement and healthcare initiatives. Our strategy is built on three
foundational pillars:

  1. Prevention Through Awareness
  • Community Education Programs: We believe that knowledge is power. NHAFN conducts
    extensive community outreach to educate people about the causes and risks of COPD. Our
    programs focus on the dangers of indoor air pollution and tobacco use, while also teaching
    practical steps to reduce exposure.
  • Clean Cooking Solutions: Recognizing the role of indoor air pollution in COPD, NHAFN
    promotes and will be distributing clean cookstoves that drastically reduce harmful emissions.
    We work closely with communities to encourage the adoption of these life-saving technologies.
  1. Access to Healthcare and Treatment
  • Mobile Health Camps: In remote areas where healthcare facilities are scarce, NHAFN
    organizes mobile health camps that bring essential medical services directly to the community.
    These camps provide COPD screenings, diagnosis, and treatment, ensuring that even the most
    isolated individuals receive care.
  • Telemedicine Services: To overcome geographical barriers, NHAFN utilizes telemedicine to
    connect patients with healthcare professionals. This allows for continuous care and follow-up,
    improving disease management and outcomes for COPD patients.
  1. Support and Advocacy
  • Patient Support Networks: Managing COPD requires more than just medical treatment.
    NHAFN offers comprehensive support services, including access to affordable medications,
    pulmonary rehabilitation (efforts are underway to develop pulmonary rehab programs tailored to
    the needs of Nepalese patients), and mental health counseling, to help patients and their
    families cope with the disease.
  • Policy Advocacy: NHAFN is committed to advocating for stronger public health policies that
    address the root causes of COPD. We work with government bodies to improve air quality
    regulations, enforce tobacco control measures, and prioritize COPD prevention and treatment in
    national health strategies

How You Can Make a Difference

NHAFN’s efforts to combat COPD are powered by the support of individuals and organizations
who share our vision of a healthier and prosperous Nepal. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Donate: Your financial contributions enable us to fund critical initiatives, from the distribution of
    clean cookstoves to the operation of mobile health camps. Every donation, no matter the size,
    makes a difference.
  • Volunteer: Whether you’re a healthcare professional or simply passionate about making a
    change, there are many opportunities to volunteer with NHAFN. Join us in the field, where your
    efforts can directly impact the lives of those affected by COPD.
  • Partner with Us: NHAFN welcomes collaborations with other organizations, businesses, and
    governmental agencies. By working together, we can expand our reach and amplify our impact.

Success Stories: Real Impact in Nepalese Communities

Our work is making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by COPD. In one village,
the introduction of clean cookstoves has not only reduced respiratory illnesses but has also
empowered women with more time for other activities. Such stories of transformation inspire us
to continue our mission and show the world what’s possible when we work together.


COPD is a preventable and manageable disease, yet it continues to claim lives in Nepal. At
NHAFN, we are committed to changing this narrative through education, healthcare access, and
patient support. We invite you to join us in our mission to create a future where every Nepalese
can breathe easier and live a healthier life


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